Friday, May 1, 2015

"He looks kind of like Albert Einstien's younger brother who got into meth."

This post comes from abroad and by abroad, I mean Chicago. It might as well be a different planet though because it is vastly different than Southeast Missouri. This is my very first time here and I have thoroughly enjoyed it.

I am here for a Psychology conference, which has been very interesting in it's own right. I saw an entire presentation about BDSM from the world's most awkward presenter. No joke. Also we watched a 20 minute video of a human birth into a river somewhere in the rain forest. Also, not a joke and completely unrelated to the conference.

One of the most hilarious moments of the entire trip took place last night. To save money, one of the girls in my room is sleeping on an air mattress. We are wrapping up our evening with some girl chat and usual sort of things while she blows up the air mattress. All of a sudden, we hear the same noise that happens when you suck a penny into a vacuum. I jerk my head around and see that my room mate has sucked her hair into the air pump. Screaming. She screams, I scream, my room mates scream. Finally, she turns the pump off and I unplug it from the wall. We remove all of her hair and the burnt remnants. It's one of those awkward moments when you're not sure whether or not you should freak out or laugh.

It's been quite a swell trip though. A lot of fun times with people I really like. Some old friends I know better, some new friends I just met.

(1) "my crappy little hand"...and every joke that came along with that

(2) meeting some guy at a social and telling him that I was Chelsey and my friend was Chelsea... he was very impressed by that

(3) when we met two random people and they went to dinner with us.

(4) Joanne Ruthsatz... seriously an amazing presenter and her work with Autistic & Prodigy children blew my mind.

(5) looking for dark chocolate

(6) trying to do the Kylie Jenner lip challenge in our hotel room. unsuccessfully. but nobody's lips exploded, so it was cool.

(7) the space bean and all that magicalness. but not the people who mocked my selfie stick. those clowns.

(8) all. the. food. seriously, just all the food.

(9) "take one button"... takes all 5 buttons because I just have a lot of emotions.

(10) meeting like minded people who are fun to joke around with. seriously, I met so many great people and I wish I had been friends with more of them throughout school. we had a great group go and I had so much fun.

BONUS: the guy who tried to sell us LSD while we were walking to the 7-11... twice.

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